The ‘New Year’ has different meanings in our house and that’s OK.
For me it marks a point for reflection of the past. That past isn’t always confined to last year. I usually recount to myself those things that have been positive for me in the last year but when I venture further back it’s usually to bring to mind individuals that are no longer with me.
Jacci on the other hand considers the first day of the ‘New Year’ as the starting point for a better year than the last. The Christmas tree will come down today and by sunset tomorrow all of the furniture in the living room will be relocated. A ’fresh start’ is how she sees it.
There’s a lot to be said for the attitude as long as it’s kept positive. In my ‘Happy New Years’ wishes for others I’ve wanted to convey that positive aspect of the date. Especially with the economic situation and the transfer of attitudes that our government is about to go through. I’ve held back from expressing that because I do think that a lot of the issue is due to discussing the issue, over & over & over.
One individual that appears in my ruminations every year is Dad. Dad used to say, when he heard people bemoan the money used for the ‘Space Program’, “There’s no cash register on the moon, all of the money spent is spent here on Earth. Most is spent here in America”.
Folks all of the money that has been taken from our economy is still here. Question is will our government have the
BALLS to get it back from those that stole it. I truly believe that it’s been stolen. A theft sometimes is obvious. Someone puts a gun to your head and takes your money. You’re left with no way to feed or care for your family. Do equal results come from an equal action? We now have many citizens that can no longer support their families due to job loss or diminished retirement investments. Thing is there’s no video showing a gunman. There are tracks though and I feel it’s the responsibility of my government to follow those tracks and to punish those guilty of these crimes. To retrieve the BILLIONS of dollars taken from our economy by greed.
To see our government merely rearrange the furniture and get a fresh start will be not only criminal but suicidal.
To quote Bette Davis
“Hang on it’s going to be a bumpy ride”.