Thursday, November 30, 2006

Salmost the season

Plenty's been said about how early commercial Xmas starts and complain and ignore has been my past reaction. Not this year I've decieded that if they wanna crank up their Xmas before I've digested my turkey (With some it's before the Halloween candy's gone)I'm gonna crank up my Christmas. The check out people are gonna hear "Remember the reason for the season!", "Christ gave the greatest Gift of all!" It's suprising that when they're taking your money the non believers don't mind you mentioning Jesus. So jump in there and make the Xmas people aware that we can start Christmas just as early.
So -- I'm dreaming of a red clay Christmas, just like the ones I used to know. With the skys all cloudy, the folks say Howdy and fireworks keep flashing in the air.
I'll be sippin wine at Momma's in 19 days!!!!

Zipidee DoDah!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Turkey Hunting Pennsylvania Style

Getting ready for Thanksgiving I was discussing turkeys with my neighbor’s grandson Erin. He’s 6 years old and goes to ‘Full Time Kidergarden’. He also has one of the most amazing imaginations I’ve ever come across.
A year and a half or so ago we’d had some storm or other come through and the lake came up a lot and had rearranged boats, docks and picnic tables along the shore. I saw him and his grandfather down at the lake and went down to survey the damage. Erin had just learned the story of Washington crossing the Delaware (which isn’t too far from here) and told his grandfather that the boat that had washed up on their beach was George Washington’s. His grandfather agreed and marveled at what great shape it was in. When I got down there and told him it was mine he automatically accepted that if the boat was mine then I must be --- Yep George Washington. To this day he calls me George Washington.
Last summer he came over to the Grotto to sit and whittle with me. We were whittling sticks to build a log cabin. While whittling he told me of a trap he’d set in the woods. I asked what kinda critters he was hoping to catch. “Oh chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits maybe a bear”. I asked what kind of trap could catch so many different animals. So he took me up the hill in the woods to show me the trap. It was a 5 gallon plastic bucket lying on its side. I said “Erin surely you don’t expect to catch a great big bear in this little bucket do you?” “Actually I’m just hopin for a couple of bear eggs”
So back to turkeys. He’s going to catch a turkey, we have a lot of them around here, for their Thanksgiving Day feast. “Just like the Pilgrims did”. I asked how they did it and he mumbled some stuff then admitted he wasn’t sure but he had a perfect way. Had to ask –“How”?
“Well you take a stick that’s sharp on both ends. You put a big onion on one end and then stick it in the ground. Then you hide behind a tree and just wait for a turkey to come by. He’ll peck at the onion and it’ll squirt him in the eye. He won’t be able to see you and you jump out from behind the tree and grab him”.

Zipidee DoDah

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What can we honestly expect from this 'New' congress?

In all honesty we can expect a lot of noise about changes being made. Partisan politics will be discussed as something needing to be overcome and some minor issues might be settled in the ‘New Atmosphere’ of cooperation. Then it will be back to business as usual.Folks it’s still Congress. We elected politicians. They won’t curb lobbyist or the money they spread around. How many times have we heard that they, Congress, were going to put their houses in order and get to the business of our country?

I read somewhere that our country was made great by big business, corporations, not by people and that therefore the business of government is to benefit corporations and that would be the best benefit to the people. This mindset was attributed to Bush and to the majority of Republicans. ‘What’s good for business is good for the country!’ The article was trying to say that this new Democratic majority would bring back government for and by the people. God bless and protect us Democrats.

I’m sorry I see no financially strapped Democrats holding office. Big business butters both sides of the bread.

This election changed the majority in both houses from one ideologically bankrupt party to another. I heard nothing new from the Democrats that were elected. Only how wrong and bad their opponent was. Why was that? Cause they’ve got no clue either. Getting us out of Iraq will be a very good thing. Will it fix our immigration problems? Our trade deficits? Our health care issues? Until we get Big Business (bought votes) out of our government we are going to have the very same results from our Congress no matter which party is in the majority.

Are we watching our Bill of Rights being whittled away? All in the name of National Security. It’s just going to make the removal of Big B harder. Take at look at who signed the Patriot Act.

The American public has ADHD and Big B has learned to keep them distracted by throwing shiny objects in the direction they want the populace to go.

Of course there really are threats to our security out there but reducing a country to rubble and civil war hasn’t improved that situation at all. It has made a bundle for companies like Halliburton though and that’s just the Big B we see. Are our ports safe? You know the ones Bubba was going to let ‘Abdul’ guard. Will this Congress make any of the profiteers in Iraq pay back the embezzled funds?

Our political process is broke! And we ask those that are benefiting from it being broke to fix it. Ain’t gonna happen.

Big Business no longer wears a flag. It’s not the Rockefellers anymore. They’re international. They’ve already taken the jobs overseas while we watched. We no longer manufacture what we need. Dependant on oil? Hell we’re dependant on everything! They’ve even out sourced bill collecting to India!!

What can we honestly expect from this ‘New Congress’?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sandy the Wonder Dog

Hey there writing this for therapy, appreciate the ear.
Gotta do a hard thing today. Something I’ve never had to do before. We’re having Sandy the Wonder Dog put down today. I’ve only had 5 dogs since leaving school and I can remember each of them like they were here with me now.
The first was a registered Irish Setter, Brena Morae Feleen ( the spelling’s wrong but only one of you will know the right way). We’d bought a couple of acres in Letohatchee just south of Montgomery on US 31 and the place needed a dog. Well with all good intentions we didn’t properly train her. She slipped her chain one day ran onto the hiway and was killed. I swore off of dogs.
But as life will tell you you’re not always in control. My second marriage came with two dogs, Grinna ( Black Lab/ Bull Dog mix) and Jingles ( Black Lab/ Irish Setter Mix). We lived way out in rural Verbena down by the river and they had hundreds of acres to run. Hallek came as a Dumpster adoptee while we lived there. When we moved north we were fortunate that our neighbors (2 miles away) were acquainted with the trio and willing to take them in. We would visit them every trip home and all three died of old age there on Mt. Manning.
The reason for leaving them was our new home and neighborhood aren’t really good for dog raising. No yard, lots of summer traffic, strangers walking by the house, etc…Then one day my 9 year old came with tears in his eyes and promises of care and love if I’d let him get a dog. Tuffy that I am I told him all the reasons why I wouldn’t allow it then told him if he went to the pound and rescued one from death row he could have one. He brought home Sandy the Wonder Dog. Jacci was a full time stay at home Mom at the time and she trained Sandy. Sandy only barked to come inside. She never barked just because all the other dogs in the hood were barking. She was protective but not aggressive. She came when called. After the first year the tasks that my nine year old swore to do were done by me. Sandy the Wonder Dog was mine.
So why am I putting her down? Cancer. After two operations to remove growths we decided that whittling her away wasn’t fair to her. The recovery, confinement and the giant plastic collar/hood, was making her life suck. She hasn’t eaten in three days and has started to act real confused.
I wish I could ask her what she wants. This Zipidee Almighty decision sucks.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Voted this morning. It was quick and easy. Used the new electronic touch screen voting machine. I'd feel a lot better if there was a paper trail. Even questionable 'Chads' would at least be proof I had voted. The vote might be confused but the record that I did wouldn't be.

Well at least the 'Finger pointing Adds will stop. A couple of days for the talking heads to tell us what we meant by voting the way we did and things will get back to normal --for a year -- then it'll all start again.

Yep normal. Lobyist cruising the halls of congress buying votes. Cancelling your vote and mine. I heard today that Hillary Clinton spent 30 million to keep her Senate seat. 30 Million! Folks there's stuff they don't tell us. That's not Hillary or Bills scratch. $30 Million!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

New Ride

Yo! gotta new ride!
Just a Dell with a Gig of RAM and 160 Gig HD. After running with only 250 mb of RAM this is like flying. It's like the change from dial-up to cable. But the best of the new ride is the visual. It's a 19" flat screen. Way sharper than the old 17" CRS.
I spent the first few hrs trying to get rid of the more obvious crap they load 'for you convenience'. With more time and effort I can rid my ride of most of Dells intrussion.
I bought my first from some local guys and it had on it only what I asked for. A 250 MB HD, way big for it's day, two years later got a 500 put in the box with it and had two HD's WOW! After several up grades including a new motherboard the Blaster Worm took it down. On the same day a coustomer gave me a new system as a tip. It had more RAM, a bigger HD and nicer monitor so I let the old one slip away. That was my first exposure to commercial preload.
My first cost about 3k in '94 this one cost half that. My first was at least 50% made in America. This one was delivered by an American.

Zipidee DoDah