Wednesday, October 24, 2007

WW II doesn't = Iraq!!!!!

Gettin real tired of everyone equating WW II with the illegal invasion of Iraq. If someone questions Dubya's involving us in the quagmire referred to as 'The Iraq Conflict' they're immediately dubbed unpatriotic and unfavorably compared to hero's of World War II.
Does anyone really think there are any parallels besides young Americans being killed?
Hitler, fascism, threatened us and the world and warred on all. We, our allies and ourselves, joined together and defeated fascism. Saddam could barely threaten his neighbors. We, our government, lied to Tony Blair and England and convinced them to enter into this illegal act with us. All others refused. Kinda sticks in the craw to admit that France was --ach--arg !! Right. The crap about WMD has been proven false and Iraq had NO INVOLVEMENT IN 9/11 !!!!!
It's a civil war that we made possible but we can't end it. All we're doing is helping to recruit terrorist and giving them combat training at the expense of American lives.
I call the Iraq quagmire illegal and others say "but Congress gave him approval" that may have made it legal in American law but not international law.
Speaking of laws how do you feel about the illegal wire taping? Doesn't seem to bother many people. They say the guys being tapped were probably bad guys anyway. If the government can tap the phones of suspects without warrants in the name of 'National Security' then how safe are your rights?
They impeached Clinton for lying about a blow job! George W. Bush tramples the Bill of Rights and nada!! What's going on?
Oh well!
Zippidee DoDah

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Great Uncle!

Once again I find I'm to be a Great Uncle.
Now I've been a less than stellar uncle to my 11 wonderful nephews and nieces. So how'd I become Great? Through their efforts not mine.
Guess that Grandfather thing comes as easily. OK father becomes Grand when his children .... well decide.
I can live with that!
Congrats to Les & Drew! and thank you both for making me Great once again.
Zipidee DoDah

Monday, October 08, 2007

Goose & Gander

Find it interesting that a lot of people dislike Hillary Clinton because she stood by her man. Tammy sings it and every women in the audience tears up. People vilify Bill Clinton because he couldn't keep his pants zipped but overlook George taking our country to war because some half assed camel jockey threatened to kill his Daddy. THERE WERE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! but there was oil ;~)
There are lots of very legitimate reasons for not wanting Hillary for President look at her voting record and come up with some legitimate reasons. Said it before I'll say it again,"I'll vote for the first Dempublican or Republicrat that promises to run the lobbyist out of the halls of congress and restore my vote to it's meaning.
There's no longer a conversation about stopping terrorist. The talk is about when to or not to pull out of Iraq. There's no longer talk about the cost of fuel in this country. There are alternatives to oil and our President should be promoting them not the oil industry. But there's that conflict between what's good for our country and what's good for his supporters.
We should be exporting ethanol not importing oil. We've had 30 years to see where oil was taking us. You wanna stop terrorist? Stop buying there oil! You wanna create jobs that can't be "Out Sourced"? Create an Ethanol industry. People working to produce and distill the vegetation.
This is such an easy idea. WIN WIN WIN. Good step toward cleaner air, Good step towards balance of payments, Good step towards shutting down the money flow to terrorist.
This isn't hard to see. I'm a carpenter fer goodness sake. There are more of us suffering from this Oil Addiction than are benefiting from it. Kick the jerks out and don't put others in there place that don't promise to get us off the Oil.
Okey Dokey done ranting. BYE :~)
Zippidee DoDah