Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Voted this morning. It was quick and easy. Used the new electronic touch screen voting machine. I'd feel a lot better if there was a paper trail. Even questionable 'Chads' would at least be proof I had voted. The vote might be confused but the record that I did wouldn't be.

Well at least the 'Finger pointing Adds will stop. A couple of days for the talking heads to tell us what we meant by voting the way we did and things will get back to normal --for a year -- then it'll all start again.

Yep normal. Lobyist cruising the halls of congress buying votes. Cancelling your vote and mine. I heard today that Hillary Clinton spent 30 million to keep her Senate seat. 30 Million! Folks there's stuff they don't tell us. That's not Hillary or Bills scratch. $30 Million!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Umm, thanks for the reminder to vote. :-)

What do you mean what's the deal with the "vid kid"? (It's too late to decipher for my pitiful, over-worked brain.)

Love you!

OH, your middle child called me randomly with a grammar question yesterday. Blew my mind! Such a cutie!