Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ah Dad, That you made my Christmas.

    Never tell me there's no Santa. I know better cause my Dad was Santa. He, & Mrs. Claus of course, saw to it that I would have so many memorable Christmases that recounting them would be difficult to keep in chronological order .... but I'll try.

    My first real memorable Christmas comes to mind because of the Big Santa present. It was blue & white and had training wheels, Ray got a Big Boy version that was blue & white also. It was a rainy Christmas day so we had to ride them under Grandads carport, not a very long ride. I was four. Much latter I learned that Dad er uh Santa had taken the bikes to the hanger on base & refurbished them so they'd be alike (I also think there might have been a blue & white tricycle for Rob but that just might be me rounding out a perfect story). Still can't figure out how they got from Jacksonville FL to Clanton AL. We were traveling in a '51 or so 2 door Chevy at the time 4 kids 6, 4, 3 and 2.

    That year we also got these wooden Bull Dogs that you could change the face on you'd lift the back where the ear, nose & mouth changes were kept.

    The next one is one Unc has already written of. Fanner Fifties! These were THE BIG items of that year. There was no better brag that year when asked at school after Christmas Break "Wadya Get?!" a Fanner Fifty! It shot real bullets! There were stick on caps for each bullet not a roll. And only one rule that I remember ... "Don't shoot Grandad!" I think this was the year Ray got a printing press & I got a typewriter and we started a News Paper. One issue, maybe 15 words. The typewriter was a bit of a pain & the press & pressman were having issues. Grandad smiled & thought it was great and that was all that mattered to us.

    There were always two Christmases. Paw Paws Christmas was always on Christmas Eve. Aunt Eve, Uncle Cliff Betty, Larry & later David always came. Aunt Katty Pat (Kathryn) Uncle Charley, Ann, Carol, Christina and later Cynthia (Cindy) came when they were stationed near (Uncle Charley was AirForce). After a MEGA Meal we got to open all the presents that were from that side of the family. Then we'd go outside & shoot off fireworks! How cool was that? Almost all of Clanton would be out shooting off fireworks. It was as big as the forth of July!

Then off to Mamo & Grandads. More partying! Uncle Bobby & Aunt Nell, Terry, Ben, Mark & later Tim. Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Jimmy and later Jay & Jeff.

To bed to wake early the next morning to the Magic that Mom & Dad er uh Santa & Mrs. Claus worked.

It's late & I gotta do more framing in sub freezing temps in the morning so I'm just gunna post this un finished. I'll get back to it as time allows.

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