Monday, December 17, 2007

Nuff already!

First there was an early 5 inch snow. OK I can handle that. Then a 10 inch snow last Thursday and yesterday we wound up with 6 inches of little white frozen BB's. It's like walking in sand. Would rather have had the 18 inches of snow than this crap.
But if it thinks it can snow me in NO WAY! If I have to hire a truck with a plow on it to lead me to the Mason/Dixon I will. I'm on the road by sunset Friday. Dinner Saturday at Moms.
Ya know sometimes you think yer full of blog and you sit down and find out it was just a f......
4 days we're outta here!
Zipidee DoDah

Monday, December 03, 2007

Coming soon

In 18 days I head Home. Home for Christmas! Yippee! Where I close out all the crap and focus on family & friends. Back when the boys were younger the rare trip south for Christmas was usually a logistical nightmare. Getting it there and them there without them knowing it was there took some of the 'close out all the crap' away. Nowadays the secret's out (but not openly spoken of) so I can get in the car and drive.
Which brings up the reason for this particular blog. Not a rant but a justification.
I like driving straight through. It brings up so many memories of Dad. I know that when I get there, safe & sound as Dad always did, Mawmaw & Pawpaw, Mamo & Grandad will be there waiting to tell me how special I am. I like to find an old country station at 4 am while my family sleeps then stop as the sun comes up for coffee and breakfast.
Although the
A great place to visit
A better place to live"

sign has been replaced by a nightmare Peach the site tells me I'm Home and really sets my Christmas in gear.
So counting the days soon to be the minutes!

Zipidee DooDah