Friday, February 19, 2010


    I can't put in words how ANGRY I am with my government. It deregulated banking, it let the insurance industry, the health care industry & the oil industry dictate policies that have thrown me & hundreds of thousands out of work.

    After stealing my livelihood the BASTARDS have the BALLS to pass out obscene bonuses for a job well done!

    Getting rich wasn't a goal I set when I started my life. Having a good family, loving, caring, honest, one like my parents had, was my goal. I have that. But now at 59 years RICH FAT BUSINESS BASTARDS have made it so that while they lay about at the beach I sit at home waiting for .....

    I do see the need for revolution and revolution needn't foster violence or rely on it to reach it's goals and I steadfastly REFUSE to ally myself with Homophobic Racist no matter how similar the goals might be.

    Venting here really doesn't get it all out though it does some, but seems that FB isn't considered the place to post it, or so I'm told ;~)



1 comment:

unclewesty said...

I don't care what the tell you. You can post whatever wherever. It doesn't seem to matter much to our honorable (?) media types what is going on. They have time to follow the blow by blow (no pun intended)of the lust life of an errant golfer but not take note of the cliff we are going over at the behest of our psuedo representatives in Washington!
More later....
Uncle Westy out!