Thursday, October 15, 2009

Health Deform

   I tried to start a discussion on FB about Healthcare Reform and got one rant from a Libertarian friend who thinks anything done by the government is a screw up. Although her Mom's on Medicare, She teaches at a school that is government subsidized and uses the interstate road system to get from one place to another she thinks that any government program leads to Socialism.

   I'm not a proponent of any particular reform, hell I'm a carpenter,but there's gotta be some smart people out there that don't have an agenda of their own that can come up with some ideas.

   Guess I have to take that back 'cause there is one thing that might save some money & improve your healthcare. Get rid of the insurance companies. Here's an industry that started out as a gambling tool in a bar in in London back in the 1500's. It was Loyds. They put their money up hoping that "their ship would come in". They've even retained certain terms, 'spread the risk' comes to mind, that attest to their beginnings.

   When we decided to start a family we looked into getting insurance and found that by not being in a large group our premiums were going to be more than we could afford. So we lived without insurance. My income level made our children eligible for coverage subsidized by our County Assistance (Socialism).

   But I do belong to a large group. The largest group in this country. I'm a citizen, got a SS# to prove it but if all of us citizens had the same policy provider then all of tose agents & CEO's wouldn't be living a better life than I can afford.

   I just can't believe it's so difficult to work out & I know it's not. There are two big problems and they have no real connection with the mechanics of the cure.

    Number one is Lobbyist. The Healthcare Industry has spent $380 million dollars so far in Washington to defeat healthcare reform. That's about $1.75 per citizen 18 & over. Over a million of it went to the Senate Finance Committee Chairman Baucus.

    Number two is our Senators & Representatives have insurance that can't be canceled paid for by you and me that'll just about cover a full body transplant with no deductible for THE REST OF THEIR LIVES! Take it away. Make them buy a policy for them & their children and you'll see reform the next day. If the Healthcare Industry was taking money out of their pockets instead of putting it in their pockets this topic would never have come up.

    So that cures that! Now for Social Security! Whoa! Socialism. Touchy subject. Same cure though.

   Interesting that the major hurdle we citizens have to get over to improve our lives are the people we send to Washington to see that our lives are improved. Hmmmmmmm


      Zipidee is Flippin Out!!!

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