Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008


The last two nights have been cloudless. My attempts at capturing the moonrise failed because I began to late to take advantage of the reflection on the lake.

Well by golly that wern't gunna happin tonight. No siree! Got shots of a mere reflection of the rising moon on the horizon to the pic on the left. Then the battery quit! I'm lookin out my window as I type this and the cove that I look out on is silver and because there's a wind it seems to be moving. All my effort was to capture this to share. I've seen it many times but thought this time I might be able to show it to others.

But ain't that the way of it sometimes? God chooses you to share with & the best you can do is to tell others of the blessin!

God is Good! Always!


Monday, October 13, 2008


To Blog or not to Blog? That is the question.

whether 'tis nobler to Blog on with pointless tripe,

or to refrain from drivel as silence might,

I ask you.

There's some really intense colors in our foliage this year.

I'll try to get some better shots on site soon. This pic looks down on the lake from the local ski run.