Monday, February 08, 2010

Put up yer Dukes!

    Seems ole Unc thinks that posting an opinion on a certain social networking tool is an invitation to a fisticuffs. Not so. Merely a statement of opinion. You're entitled as am I.

    I, unlike Unc, love to talk politics. The fair exchange of ideas is bread & wine to me. I learn a lot in discourse. If I had the answers I wouldn't be sitting here bloggin, I'd be telling the world. So share with me your thoughts, if I find them persuasive I might make them a part of my belief, if not you've lost nothing.

    The issue that I have with those I named on FB is their source for their stated subject. One of them says something that not only can't be substantiated but can often be repudiated. It is then repeated by the others and when the original is asked for a source of his facts quotes one of those that merely repeated his original calumny.

    I find this from those mentioned far too often. I look for it on CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS and ABC but have yet to find one instance where the source was a past report by a fellow reporter.

    You don't know how I pray for a grass roots uprising that will take back our government and restore my vote. This 'Tea Bag'thing was, in the beginning, an answer to that prayer. Until it was co opted by Far Right Republicans, Racist Homophobes and Wack Jobs. Sarah Palin as the 'Light that Leads'!? Oh My God. If that's the best they can come up with I not only want nothing to do with them but laugh at their lack of intelligence in their choice. Is there no Newt out there? Is there no truth to be used? Do they have to use fear, ignorance & libel to advance their cause?

Zipidee wishes he could be more concise ;~)


Leslie said...

I'm just working myself into the part of my life where I pay attention to politics enough to be able to speak intelligently about it. (I always had my beliefs set pretty firm on the morals of life, but the politics thing always turned me of.) Now that I'm old enough, that whole civic duty stuff, my future, T's future, etc. Still get turned off by it regularly, but I'm working on it. However, this means I don't usually participate in the political discussion because I don't feel educated enough about most of it.

I do agree though that so many times a group that might begin as defending a belief of mine gets taken over by people who are anti everyone but themselves, and I never want to be associated with that. I hate when people use Jesus (the man who loved ALL, especially the less-than-savory people) as a reason to judge and condemn. I hate that THOSE people make non-Christians think that ALL Christians are that judgemental and exclusionary. I have always felt if you're using Jesus as your REASON to keep someone away from Jesus, you REALLY need to rethink your spiritual philosophy.

And btw, sometimes less-than-concise is a good thing. :) I love your ramblings. Always informative and amusing. :)

unclewesty said...

Now that another Congressman has had enough and decided not to run for re-election there is beginning to be conversation from all sides about the failure of the central government to accomplish anything due to the POLITICAL requriement of our representatives to be one or the other rather than a representative of those what sent 'em. It is by no means left or right to acknowledge that we now have a government unable to do anything because they don't want to be seen as the one who gave up something in the process. This time it falls on the Democrats because they have (however precarious) control. It could have just as easily been Republicans hanging (quite literally)by a thread to have their way. Perhaps we will have a rain shower of people bailing out of the system to make room for someone else and perhaps we at home will require the replacement to do our bidding instead of joining in with those already there. It has to start somewhere, let it start here. The representative from Mississippi that made the suggestion that all of congress be required to be a part of whatever healthcare debacle they settled on was surely swinging at a windmill, but I have to cheer him on for having the nerve to bring it up.
Fogged is right, I don't like the confrontation any more that I like the politic. Trust me, I do have an opinion and on occasion will spew forth.
Unclewesty, over and out.