Thursday, May 17, 2007


Ah memryz, sitting with the head sets on late at night not botherin a soul. Head bangin tunes from the 70's, Captain Beyond, Little Feat. OK little Feat ain't no Head bangin group but that Captain Wa Who! How time has flown and the memryz accumulate.
Was livin within site of the worst smell in Pratville, the paper mill, when I first heard Captain Beyond. Dad had bought a trailer for Neysa and I to live in and set it up in a park just off of old 31 near a cement factory. Not a shade tree within a hundred yards! Hotter than *&%#@. So we moved it to the cesspool of Pratville but at least it had shade. within 2 years we had 3 acres and a house south of Montgomery on old 31 in Letohatchee. That's where the Feat came to me. In the person of Mike Martin. Wierder than dirt with a smile. Knew the boy for another 5 years, well into the second wife, then nada. Yep time flies but memryz just creep around and grab ya!

Zippidee Dodah

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